Schedule 0x7DF

Thx to Finux who created the *.ics of the schedule!
Download the schedule to your calendar BerlinSides_0x7DF
Day 1

29.05.15 19:00 berlinsides login: _
29.05.15 21:00 Keynote Aluc
29.05.15 21:30 Lounge Time
29.05.15 23:00 Phenoelit Party Party Hard!

Day 2

30.05.15 12:00 berlinsides login: _
30.05.15 12:30 xAbort:ab/using Intel’s Transactional Memory Extensions|nSinus-R
30.05.15 13:15 and baby cyber/cyber jesus wept|Finux
30.05.15 14:00The Topological Quantum Menace | Andreⓐ
30.05.15 14:45 userland rootkit for Sun Solaris|infodox
30.05.15 15:30 Break
30.05.15 16:00 —–WHY I HATE PGP—–|aestetix
30.05.15 16:45 Break
30.05.15 17:00  adios hola is in the wild| infodox
30.05.15 17:45 “Practical Dependently Typed C++. No, Seriously”|mlp
30.05.15 18:15 Square Peg, Round Hole: Automatically stopping injection attacks with shape matching| TQ

30.05.15 18:45 break

30.05.15 19:15 <<<pe’s, one of these things just like the other|Vyrus
30.05.15 20:00 Diaphora, reviving binary diffing|matalaz
30.05.15 20:30 “Two with Travis”| Sergey Bratus
30.05.15 21:20 Lets talk about trust baby…|FX of Phenoelit
30.05.15 22:30 Lounge Time
30.05.15 23:00 start of the 2th Bar “Aluc’s classic cocktails” with Aluc @ your service
30.05.15  23:30 the Yearly Party !Party hard! the Party is, as usual, open for everyone


Day 3

31.05.15 12:30 berlinsides login: _
31.05.15 13:00 islands @ BerlinSides

  • Shellcoders Island
  • radare2 Reverse Engineering Island
  • Island
  • Biotinkering Berlin Island
  • Speakers-Corner Island / Hyde Park @ Berlinsides
  • LangSec Island

31.05.15 17:15 Lounge Time …chill out

Day 4

Dojo: Scharnweberstr.14 10247 Berlin (

Make sure to have a health insurance or such for the seminar!
The organisator don’t take any liability for any injuries or sickness occurring
during the seminar.

Dogi: Please dress during the seminar in a Dogi or comfortable cloths. No shoes.
Wearing tabi is ok.

Drinking Alcohol During the Seminar and in the Dojo is forbidden.
You agree to this terms with your registration.

01:06.15 13:00 login 4 Physical Security 4 Nerds
01:06.15 14:00 Seminar Begin
01:06.15 15:30 Break
01:06.15 16:00 Part 2
01:06.15 17:30 Break
01:06.15 18:00 Begin of the Embu Taikai
01:06.15 20:00 aluc@BerlinSides# init 0