Aluc Security
offensive & defensive InfoSec in Brandenburg
from penetration testing to red team assesments done the right way by old school hacker
Hakdefnet is a German Security Research Start-Up that gives customers
the opportunity to protect themselves more comprehensively, cheaper and
easier than ever before based on real research. We help you to analyze
security gaps, find stolen data – including Darknet, and can use that
information to help you become more aware of those threats and risks by
that actual research. We don’t sell fear, we teach, consult and do
research that results in tangible results.
Based on CyberNSight, V-CISO and our RIPE Subscriptions, our customers
not only know if but also how they can be attacked, and what happens
with their data. This (we believe) is the only way to really minimize
the damage caused by attacks, security breaches, etc. and how avoid them
in the future.
Kaspersky Labs

Kaspersky is a global cybersecurity and digital privacy company founded in 1997. Kaspersky’s deep threat intelligence and security expertise is constantly transforming into innovative security solutions and services to protect businesses, critical infrastructure, governments and consumers around the globe. The company’s comprehensive security portfolio includes leading endpoint protection, specialized security products and services, as well as Cyber Immune solutions to fight sophisticated and evolving digital threats. Over 400 million users are protected by Kaspersky technologies and we help over 220,000 corporate clients protect what matters most to them. Learn more at https://www.kaspersky.de/.
adesso as a service GmbH

Managed services: comprehensive and straightforward with adesso IT managers often have to set aside significant resources so that they are able to maintain service level agreements. At the same time, they are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit the right employees who are suitably qualified. Do you want to make sure that your company’s system and application landscape runs seamlessly? Then take action well in advance – because consistently outsourcing these tasks will provide you with even greater room for manoeuvre. Illustration of different managed services OVER 150 CERTIFIED EXPERTS MORE THAN 50 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Alongside responsibility for system infrastructure, adesso can take over support and maintenance as well as the further development of your software solutions Be it an issue caused by software or hardware, by master or movement data or by interfaces – adesso provides you with the right single point of contact for efficient troubleshooting. We put together a hand-picked team with a skills profile that is a perfect match for your requirements. Our experts are available 24/7 if needed, in keeping with guaranteed and individually agreed service level agreements – from 1st to 3rd level. Building on the foundation of many years of experience, we have developed best practices for taking over and managing complex projects – even if we are taking over and continuing to maintain your company’s existing customised software, these best practices ensure that processes run smoothly.

Wir sind Ihr Partner für die smarte Energiewende in der Wohnimmobilie. KALO erfasset Verbräuche automatisiert und spartenübergreifend vom Submetering bis zum Smart Metering und sorgt für Verbrauchstransparenz als Basis für nachhaltige CO2- und Kosteneinsparungen. Wir unterstützen Gebäudeeigentümer mit einer effizienten Heizungssteuerung und geben Bewohnern intuitive Apps für ein intelligentes Raumtemperatur-Management an die Hand. Wir binden erneuerbare Erzeugungsanlagen sowie E-Mobilität barrierefrei und passgenau ins Gebäude ein und schaffen digitale Verknüpfungen für ein optimales Energiemanagement. Wir vernetzen IoT-Anwendungen in der Immobilie herstellerunabhängig und hochsicher über das Smart-Meter-Gateway. Wir sind da. Deutschlandweit. Einfach. Innovativ. Persönlich.